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Interlibrary Loan

ILL Login

Logon to Interlibrary Loan with your UHD username and password.

While we work on an upgrade, you may be asked to select from the following options before you can login. Please select: UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON DOWNTOWN SAML.


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service to request materials that are not available from UHD Library. Unfortunately, students are unable to borrow course textbooks through ILL.

ILL Staff


Anne Zwicky, Interlibrary Loan & Distance Education Librarian

Contact Information


Phone: 713-221-2760

Requested items may be picked up at the Circulation Desk on the 5th floor of the Library during Library hours.

Interlibrary Loan Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm  

About ILL

UHD students, faculty, and staff can use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to borrow materials not available at the UHD Library. ILL staff will search for the material from other libraries in our nation-wide network. Through your ILL account, you can make & track requests, receive & renew requests, and view borrowing history and due dates. Submission of an interlibrary loan request form indicates that the requester recognizes and agrees to comply with copyright laws and guidelines governing duplication of materials for interlibrary loan.