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Generative AI

A guide on current topics in generative AI including glossary, resources, and more.

Before Using AI

While the temptation to avoid AI as an educator is understandable, it is essential to recognize that AI is not a passing trend.  It is a persistent and evolving force in the educational landscape.  In conjunction with other innovations like ChatGPT, there is an emergence of embedded generative AI tools, industry-specific applications and new career opportunities.  Before diving in, it is imporatnt to pause and consider ethical implications. Keep those in mind throughout your process.  Next, consider how you could use these tools to enhance your work, as an educator, collaborator, and assistant.  Educators can leverage ChatGPT to streamline tasks, create assignments, aid in planning and developing student communication and feedback.  By exploring AI as an ally, with ethical considerations in mind, educators open doors to practical insights and possibilities.

Ethical Considerations

Using ChatGPT prompts comes with ethical responsibilities to ensure positive and unbiased interactions.  Here are some key ethical considerations:

Respecting Student Privacy: Prioritize the privacy and confientiality of student data.

Equity: Be mindful of potential biases in prompts, as ChatGPT may replicate biases present in the training data.

Promoting Academic Integrity: Ensure that prompts align with the principles of academic integrity.  Avoid using Chat GPT to generate content that could be considered plagiarism.

Hallucinations or making up information in AI chatbots may provide information that appears authentic but is inaccurate or lacking basis in reality.

Copyright is a challenge because it is currently unclear who owns the copyright to creative work generated by AI.

Obtaining informated Consent for Research: If using ChatGPT in research involving students, ensure proper informed consent is obtained.

Avoiding Harmful Content: Exercise caution to prevent the dissemination of misinformation or content that could negatively impact students.

Transparency in Teaching Methods: Clearly communicate which uses of generative AI (if any) you find appropriate and inappropriate for your class work.  Inform students about the role of AI in generating content, fostering transparency and understanding among the student body.

Continued Professional Development: Stay informed about advancements in AI ethics and guidelines.

Consider whether an assignment that asks students to integrate generative AI undermines student learning.

Assignment Adjustments Here and Now

Adapting your course design to face the new reality of Generative AI should and will take time, but students have access to these tools now and need guidance now.  These are a few ways to initially adapt your assignments with Generative AI in mind:

  1. Incorporate more on-demand in class assignments where students engage with the material right there and then (timed assignments for virtual classes).
  2. Require students to include materials only available in your classroom, lessons, lectures, or lab work.
  3. Rquire detailed citations for their written work.
  4. Have students include personal examples and experiences.
  5. Focus on the process rather than the final product.
  6. Consider having students build on conversation with generative AI with thoughtful and critical follow-up questions.
  7. Add fact-checking activities with Generative AI to check the accuracy and authenticity of the bot.

For long-term planning for redesigning assessments review the resources found at Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence website Faculty Generative AI Resources and/or contact us for an individual instructional design consultation virtually or in person CTLE Instructional Design Support Request.