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Information Literacy Student Learning Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

The following student learning outcomes are based on ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy.  These outcomes were developed with the UHD community in mind and can be used as a guide for integrating information literacy into the curriculum.  



Understands the role of the library in college learning. (IV)
Understands the various modes in which information is created, processed, distributed and ultimately located using curation tools like library databases, search engines and other digital repositories. (SS)
Recognize issues of access or lack of access to information sources. (IV)
Understands how and why some individuals or groups may be underrepresented or systematically marginalized within the systems that produce and disseminate information. (IV)



Use indicators of authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and context to determine the credibility and usefulness of sources. (ACC)

Define different types of authority, such as scholar, subject expertise, professional or special experience (participant in historic event). (ACC) 

Understand the increasingly social nature of the information ecosystem where authorities actively connect with one another and sources develop over time. (ACC)
Critically evaluates contributions made by others in a participatory information environment. (SC)



Interpret an assignment so as to determine required research parameters. (RI)

Identify problems and questions related to their topic as a basis for developing a legitimate research question. (RI)
Synthesize ideas gathered from multiple resources and develops own point of view based on supportive evidence. (RI)
Analyzes gathered information for conflicting information or gaps in knowledge and formulate additional questions for research to address those weaknesses. (RI)



Credit original ideas of others through proper citation based on a specified style format. (SC)

Recognize what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid intentional and unintentional plagiarism. (IV)

Exhibit proper use of paraphrasing, citations, footnotes in written work. (SC)
Recognize when it is necessary to seek permission before using information or original work by others. (IV)



Break down a research question by identifying key concepts, synonyms and related terms appropriate for a search query. (SS)

Match information needs and search strategies to appropriate search tools. (SS)
Read a search results page and refines search strategies as necessary, based on search results. (SS)
Use different types of searching language appropriately and effectively apply search techniques such as truncation, phrase searching and database filters. (SS)



Identifies and analyzes different viewpoints in order to cultivate self-awareness of their own biases and world views. (RI)

Protects personal privacy and actively secure online information. (IV)

Participate conscientiously and ethically in collaborative environments. (SC)
Adapt to and understand new technologies and the impact they have on learning. (ICP)