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ENGL 1302 Modulated Instruction: Spring 2020

Teaching resource guide for modulated ENGL 1302 instruction, piloted Fall 2017

Instructions for ENG 1302 Faculty Scheduling Module Instruction

Introduction to the UHD Library

  1. Understand the role of the library in college learning and know where to access library services and resources

  2. Recognize the librarian as a point of contact for assistance when doing research or using library resources

Sample Lesson/Materials:

Authority and Types of Resources

Lesson Outcomes:

1. Recognize different types of authority, such as subject expertise (scholarship or trade), societal position (public office or title), or special experience (participating in a historic event).

2. Match information need to the appropriate level of authority, source type, and research tool in different contexts.

Sample Lesson/Materials:

Search Strategies

Lesson Outcomes:

1. Match information needs and search strategies to appropriate search tools.

2. Read a search results page and refines search strategies as necessary, based on search results

Sample Lesson/Materials:

Forming a Research Question and Identifying Keywords

Lesson Outcomes:

1. Use appropriate discovery methods to define an initial topic and formulate a focused research question. 

2. Break down a research question by identifying key concepts, synonyms and related terms appropriate for a search query.  

Sample Lesson/Materials:

Evaluating Information Sources

Lesson Outcomes:

1.  Use indicators of authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency and context to determine the credibility and usefulness of sources. 

2.  Critically evaluates contributions made by others in a participatory information environment. 

Sample Lesson/Materials:

Menti Activity (I'm currently using my own account for this so I will need to reset the activity after it's been used)





Lesson Outcomes:

1. Credit original ideas of others through proper citation based on a specified style format. 

2. Recognize what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid intentional and unintentional plagiarism. 

Sample Lesson/Materials: