Why a microphone and headphone? You will be using Zoom as your "cellphone" to communicate with your teammates.
Why a laptop or desktop? Due to the screen size and the need to use multiple applications, it is easier to play via a laptop or desktop computer.
Do I have to have a team? You do not have to have a team created before joining, but the game is much more enjoyable as a team. If multiple people join at the same time or you are willing to wait for a teammate, you can form a quick team.
Got more questions? Contact us at fuentesallredj@uhd.edu
This year the UHD Library is proud to present:
The Sleeper Always Dreams Twice
It is the year 2050 and UHD is about to have a press conference to announce a major science breakthrough in lucid dream research, but it has come to the attention of Dr. Zuck, the Director of Neuroscience Research, that information is being leaked to UHD's top neuroscience competitor, Beans University. Dr. Zuck has asked you to help track down who is leaking the information before Beans can put together their own research announcement.
Form your team and find the "sleeper" before time runs out.
Game Design by Jennifer Fuentes, Storyline by Sam Weehunt, Graphics by Charis Vieira
Lunch Sessions (11am-1pm)
Zoom Link: https://uhd.zoom.us/j/89331971723
Meeting ID: 893 3197 1723
Evening Sessions (5pm-7pm):
Zoom Link: https://uhd.zoom.us/j/87378801059
Meeting ID: 873 7880 1059
These days and times are drop in and play sessions, so you do not need to register or arrive at a particular time. The time needed to finish the game will depend on your play group. We are not officially timing the event, but we will have a leaderboard of times if teams wish to participate in the leaderboard.
Hardware and Software Required
This is a collaborative game played using Zoom and a separate website. This game is best played using a laptop or desktop computer with internet, and a microphone and headphone turned on.
Game Times
The time needed to complete this game varies based on the group playing. The game times listed are in 2hr blocks for drop-in and play sessions. There's no need to block out the entire 2 hours, schedule a session, start at the start time, or stay the entire time. Drop-in, play, have fun, leave at your convenience.
Your team can be any number of players, but keep in mind that you will not be able to see your teammates "in-game", so communication is key.
Don't have a team? Drop in and form a quick team.